Areas of Law / Medical Negligence

If you have been unlucky enough to be the victim of medical negligence, you may be eligible to claim compensation. With the stress, the worry – it can be difficult to know where to turn for advice.

Why complicate matters further?

Let our legal advisors help. The law in this area might be complex but that doesn’t mean gaining answers should be. Our lawyers provide straightforward legal support in your time of need. Ask a question and we provide the answer. It’s that simple. Honest legal advice for you and your family.

What is medical negligence?

Medical negligence refers to an incident where a doctor, GP or other medical professional has failed to carry out their duty, causing harm to the patient. The harm caused must be an avoidable, direct result of their behaviour.
Cases may not always be clear cut, especially where the patient is already ill. Proving what caused the illness /injury can be tricky, and medical evidence is often needed. Using the evidence, industry experts will then decide what was responsible for the damage.

What can I claim for?

The most common types of medical negligence cases are:

  • Birth injuries
  • Claims against hospitals, surgeons doctors
  • Cosmetic surgery
  • Dental claims
  • Delayed diagnosis claims
  • Head/brain injuries
  • Misdiagnosis
  • NHS claims
  • Surgical accidents

Where you have been let down you may be able to claim. For an honest review of your case contact the lawyers at Free Legal Advice.

Why delay?

The sooner you begin your claim the sooner you can be back on your feet. Compensation can cover the cost of medical treatment, loss of earnings, and other financial fees.

To start the process today, simply ask our advisors a question. We will respond to your query and can assess whether you can make a claim from there.

Don’t suffer in silence. Free legal advice is at your fingertips.

Medical Negligence Questions

My daughter is nearly eleven. She had an adverse reaction to an immunisation jab when she was a baby, and she was left with a bad scar. She is very conscious of this now. Is it too late to do anything about it at this stage?

I have been having problems with my right knee for the past four years. Five different consultants diagnosed arthritis and said nothing could be done. Now they say it’s a cartilage problem and I’m due to have an operation. They say I’ll be back at work shortly. Surely this should have been discovered before? Do I have a claim for negligence?

I’ve been on steroids for the last 35 years, since I had a major operation. No-one’s ever suggested I should stop taking them, but I now think I’m suffering from osteoporosis as a result: no-one will admit it, but I have arthritis and I’m always breaking bones. I’ve now asked my GP if I can at least cut down the dose, but I wondered whether I might have a case for compensation?

I had surgery ten years ago which went wrong. Although I was outside the time limit to claim compensation my case was taken up by a firm of solicitors. Now I’m told that, although the hospital was clearly negligent, it’s not possible to trace the surgeon involved and it would be risky taking my case to court.

I have been on a course of medication for more than 20 years. However I collapsed three times within the space of six months, and when my GP retired a new doctor immediately halved the dose. The practice hasn’t come up with satisfactory answers and I am still ill. Is it possible to take this further?

I have developed a secondary illness as a result of a previous medical problem. I recently discovered that my GP lost my medical records, and feel if they hadn’t been lost my present illness could have been picked up earlier through screening. What are the steps needed to bring medical negligence claims, and what is the time limit?

I had toothache and went to a new dentist. He took x-rays and said the tooth had to come out there and then. From that day 12 months ago I’ve been in absolute agony. I’ve been to see several consultants and I’ve now been told that the pain has been caused by the way the tooth was pulled. I’ve had to cancel a holiday and they say it will be nine months before I’m free from pain.

My sister had cosmetic surgery costing more than £3,000 on her nose, but she isn’t happy with the result. Instead of reducing the size the surgeon simply removed the bump on the bridge. My sister is very depressed, but I wonder what her rights are?

I was involved in a car accident, and went for two medical examinations at the request of the other drivers’ insurance company. One doctor managed to obtain a full printout of my medical records, while the other doctor got hold of my hospital records without my permission. Are they allowed to do this?

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