Can my younger brother stop me from visiting my mother who is currently in a care home with dementia, if she returns to live back at her old home? He is currently living in my mother’s house, but even though I am not living there, he has recently changed the locks so I cannot visit to check for mail etc. The relationship between me and my brother was never great and has got worse recently, I am really worried that he will do everything possible to prevent me seeing her or visiting her if she does eventually return home, I am pretty sure he does not have POA..
At present I note that she is resident in a care home, it should therefore be relatively easy for you to visit. You could raise your concerns with the home and social worker. If you are not sure if there is a Power of attorney in force then you can check and raise any concerns you may have about possible financial abuse with the Office of the Public Guardian. For further guidance please contact your solicitor.