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Writing a will does not have to be costly or time consuming. A professionally drafted will can offer financial safety and security to your loved ones, ensuring that your wishes are carried out after your death. It can also save a great deal of expense – significantly minimising the possibility of future disputes and achieving considerable savings in Inheritance Tax.

Our specialist team of Wills and Probate lawyers provide impartial and independent advice covering a range of services including:

  • Court of Protection
  • Estates
  • Intestacy
  • Lasting Powers of Attorney
  • Trusts

If you’re looking for legal advice on any aspect of making, amending or challenging a will, take a look at some of the questions our lawyers have already answered to help you along the way.

If you can’t see what you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our legal advisors today. Simply write your question in the box and our lawyers will handle the rest.

Free wills advice at your fingertips.


I have been married seven years, but the house belongs to my husband. He has four children. If he died, would the house automatically be mine? He hasn’t made a will. Would his children have any rights over the property?

My daughter is nearly eleven. She had an adverse reaction to an immunisation jab when she was a baby, and she was left with a bad scar. She is very conscious of this now. Is it too late to do anything about it at this stage?

I have recently been employed at a school as a classroom assistant. I have been asked to fill in a police check form, which asks if I have had a caution/ been bound over/ have a criminal record. Twelve years ago I was bound over for 12 months after a drunken night out. Will the police still have a record of this?

My husband divorced his first wife about 30 years ago. He put a block on the sale of the house he left his wife in, and she died last year. The house has now been sold, and my husband is supposed to be getting some money from it, but we’ve heard nothing more. What is he entitled to?

Two years ago my daughter married and she and her two children went to live in his house. He has now decided that married life is not for him, and wants to sell up. She has had conflicting advice about what she’s entitled to.

My father is in his 80’s and has had a lady friend for about ten years. He went to live with her in her council house two years ago after she had a burglary. She is 92, has £30,000 in the bank and hasn’t made a will. What position would my father be in if anything were to happen to her? She has one nephew.

I was sold what I thought was a month-by-month gym membership. I discussed it in detail with the gym, and was assured I could cancel my membership at any time on a month’s notice. However when I decided to pull out recently they told me I couldn’t cancel it until I had been a member for a year. Is there anything I can do?

If I transferred my house into my daughter’s name and another property I own into my son’s name, would this enable them to avoid inheritance tax?

The firm I worked for went out of business. I was given my redundancy forms and asked to hand the van keys to the accountants on the site. Over the weekend I got a ‘phone call from a firm which had taken over the contract asking me to come in to work on Monday. Will I still be entitled to redundancy pay?

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